quinta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2024

You´re moving into the devil´s house.


You´re going to live inside the devil´s house.

The devil´s tools. You´re going to be there, but not alone. The devil will be inside your body and mind, inside your being, you´re not going to be on your own.

The devils gives one but takes two. It is his work. The devil wants the brain, it's his job, doesn't want to hurt, but it can change if he wants too. The devil wants to take, to suck the brown science soul. He gives bit he takes more. A piece of shit.

And all this shit its true.

Who is driving your life? You?  Who´s guiding you? You? The paths and places you´ve been? You? Who´s leading and taking you and your life?

Social media?  

Was it good? Did you follow me? Your smile, it tell something. Tell me what does it tell? What and who was in your thought and smile. Campel? Bliss? Follow?

Walls are livable, you open a window, a door, and you´ll have all the confort and snuggle from the landscape where you´re living or where you´re going to live. In the mountains...

Walls, there are so many things that you can do and live within walls.

You´re not good on building things, you told. Well, you´ll have to learn, and if you learn and like it, imagine the things you can build. What would you like to build? Are you imagining and imaging something? A wall? A wall that you can touch and feel. You need touch, to feel someone´s touch. A wall you can lean against, that you can kiss. A wall where you can write, you like to write, Where you can read, you like to read, my pumpkins. Where you can paint... A wall, would you like to build a wall?

Of course, you´ll have to work, run some marathons to build a wall. You like to run, would you like to run above your wall? A bookshelf, would you like to build one? Are you imagining that?  What would it be like? A garden bench, a swing? A house for ducks and chickens? You never build a house for Vilk. Are you a good mom? Of course you are not, how could you be? Vilk have been living homeless, in the wild, in a truck, rbnb, motel rooms and cabins. Poor life of a dog. Vilk never had and lived in his own house. Always lived homeless and with a very bad mom.

What would you like to learn and build?

A tower above the trees? Above the clouds? Where you could see the world and life in a different  perspective and way.

There´s nothing like home, nothing like to have a home to live. Living homeless, without walls and a roof, is it good? Maybe it is but once in a while. There will be plenty of time for travels, adventure...

Travel, like it. But life is not  just travelling, its much more than it.

Paint what I painted, that little house and you´ll be good, living your own being, living your things. With someone with be much better, enjoyable and pleasant. Living, doing and sharing things with someone a not only with yourself. Thought... lonely thought.

Someone, that´s what you need and that you´re missing.


sábado, 14 de setembro de 2024

6 13


Porto street
House where Infante Dom Henrique was born.


The machines

Clavis Clave de sol Carlos Cá Clavis SIS

Charles 9



Gold and diamonds




HR Kodak Nikon